Wednesday, May 2, 2012

After...not quite there yet but working on it!
It's funny how you never realize how big or overweight you are until you start pulling all the photo albums and see all the pictures of you and say "wow"! I have always had problems keeping weight off! I have 2 sisters and they are lucky they did not get the fat genes. They never have to worry about what they eat. I hate that I can not enjoy food and not gain 10 pounds! When I first got married we didn't have a care in the world I guess because we where young! I would wake up make breakfast for my babe and I of 10 eggs, pancakes and bacon on the side. Eat a snack in between breakfast and lunch and then cook a huge meal for lunch. Snack again and then a massive dinner usually late of night of fast food! So needless to say that within the first 2 years of being married I gained way over 50 pounds! I had lost so much weight after hig school working at a grocery store sacking groceries and carrying the groceries out to their car. Only to gain that and more back. I did not care. My babe loved me and I did not care how he looked either. Kids come and it is even harder to loose weight. Your body is never the same. I mean never. I have struggles to get rid of this pudge on my stomach I acquired after having 4 kids and I still can not get rid of it. I hide it though lol! Today as i was clocking in for work a lady I work with told me are you still loosing weight I hesitated to answer because I feel I have not lost anything anymore. But, she said every time I see you I notice you getting smaller. NOT that you where big before. I told her are you kidding me I was huge, enormous, obese! She said i don't remember that! I told her come in my office I will show you pictures. I takw pride in always showing what my babe looks like. How he accomplished so much and lost 100 pounds. But, I never talk about me like I should I guess! I am always just a great supporter and I praise him for what he has accomplished. I looked over my phone and found a few pictures of what I use to look like and she said WOW! I guess I need to start giving myself a little more credit!


  1. That is very cool! I never lost the 'baby weight' after my last baby.....but at least I haven't gained any more in the last 15 years! I count that as a win.

  2. Thanks Michelle!! It is extremely dificult to loose weight after having kids. But, not impossible which gives me hope lol! I am starting to see a light at the end of the tunnel and it is shining bright for me!!!
